I recently saw the movie, The Persuit of Happyness, starring Will Smith. It's been all of a few years since I've seen the film (I actually own the DVD.) and it really struck a nerve moreso that it did the first few times I watched it. I'm quite sure it's because I'm truly living the same experience. I've finally experienced a tramatic low point in my life where I really didn't see any sign of hope and just out of nowhere, the hole began to mend all by itself. When I first saw The Persuit of Happyness, I had no idea how it was to live inside of a homeless shelter and now I do and I can finally say that I've made it through to the other side. This saga has yet to come to a close and I have not been able to truly say that I've found happyness, but I can say that I'm moving closer to it each and every day. I just hope that I don't take anymore U-turns, if you know what I mean.
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