GOD’S GENEROSITY. . . . . Matthew 20:15 This parable
is a strong teaching about grace,
God’s generosity. We shouldn’t begrudge
those who turn to God in the last moments of life, because, in reality, no one deserves eternal life. Many people we don’t expect to see in the
kingdom may be there. The criminal who
repented as he was dying (Luke 23:40-43) will be there, as well as the person
who has believed and served God for many years.
Do you resent God’s gracious acceptance of the despised, the outcast,
and the sinners who have turned to him for forgiveness? Are you ever jealous of what God has given to
another person? Instead, focus on God’s
gracious benefits to you, and be thankful for what you have.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
what's keith READING?
KEEP TRACK. . . . . Matthew 18:22 The rabbis taught
that Jews should forgive three times those who offend them. Peter, in trying to be especially generous,
asked Jesus if seven (the “perfect” number) was enough times to forgive
someone. But Jesus answered, “Seventy
times seven,” meaning that we shouldn’t even keep track of how many times we
forgive someone. We should always
forgive those who are truly repentant, no matter how many times they ask.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
what's keith READING?
EYES. . . . . Matthew 14:28 Peter was not
testing Jesus, something we are told not to do (Matthew 4:7). Instead he was the only one in the boat to
react in faith. His impulsive request
led him to experience a rather unusual demonstration of God’s power. Peter started to sink because he took his
eyes off Jesus and focused on the high waves around him. His faith wavered when he realized what he
was doing. We may not walk on water, but
we do walk through tough situations. If
we focus on the waves of difficult circumstances around us without looking to
Christ for help, we too may despair and sink.
To maintain your faith in the midst of difficult situations, keep your
eyes on Christ’s power rather than on your inadequacies.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
what's keith READING?
TESTING. . . . . Matthew 9:27-30 Jesus didn’t
respond immediately to the blind men’s pleas.
He waited to see how earnest they were.
Not everyone who says he or she wants help really wants it badly enough
to do something about it. Jesus may have
waited and questioned these men to make their desire and faith stronger. If, in your prayers, it seems as if God is
too slow in giving his answer, maybe he is testing you as he did the blind
men. Do you believe God can help
you? Do you really want his help?
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
what's keith READING?
OUT OF CONTROL. . . . . Matthew 5:21-22 Killing is a
terrible sin, but anger is a great
sin too because it also violates God’s command to love. Anger in this case refers to a seething,
brooding bitterness against someone. It
is a dangerous emotion that always threatens to leap out of control and lead to
violence, emotional hurt, increased mental stress, and other destructive
results. There is spiritual damage as
well. Anger keeps us from developing a
spirit pleasing to God. Have you ever
been proud that you didn’t strike out and say what was really on your
mind? Self-control is good, but Christ
wants us to practice thought-control as well.
Jesus said we will be held accountable even for our attitudes.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
what's keith READING?
HOLDING BACK. . . . . Malachi 3:6-12 Malachi urged the
people not to hold back their gifts to the priests, their “tithes.” Tithing began during Moses’ time (Leviticus
27:30-34; Deuteronomy 14:22). The
Levites received some of the tithe because they couldn’t have land (Numbers
18:20-21). During Malachi’s day, the
tithes were not used to support God’s workers, so the Levites had to go to
work. God has given us everything. When we refuse to return to him a part of
what he has given, we rob him. Do you
selfishly want to keep all you’ve been given, or are you willing to return the
first part for advancing God’s kingdom?
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
what's keith READING?
BE BLESSED. . . . . Zephaniah 3:12 God is opposed to the
proud and haughty of every generation.
But the lowly and humble, both physically and spiritually, will be
blessed because they trust in God.
Self-reliance and arrogance have no place among God’s people or in his
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
what's in keith's MAKEUP BAG?
One of the best innovations to come out of Asia,
this variety of Oil Absorbing Sheets is made of some type of silky material
rather than paper. Plus this variety
handles a particular problem very well—retrieving one sheet at a time. Once you open the lid, a piece of tape grabs
one sheet for easy pop-up dispensing.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
what's keith READING?
AMAZING STRENGTH. . . . . Habakkuk 3:17-19 Crop failure and
the death of animals would devastate Judah.
But Habakkuk affirmed that even in the midst of starvation, he would
still rejoice in the Lord. Habakkuk’s
feelings were not controlled by the events around him, but by the faith in
God’s ability to give him strength. When
nothing seems to make sense, and when troubles seem more than you can handle,
remember that God gives strength. Take
your eyes off your difficulties and look to God.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
what's keith READING?
IN YOUR DREAMS. . . . . Micah 2:1-2 Micah spoke out against
those who planned evil deeds at night and rose at dawn to carry them out. A person’s thoughts reflect his
character. What do you think about as
you lie down to sleep? Do you desires
involve greed or stepping on others to achieve your goals? Evil thoughts lead to evil deeds as surely as
morning follows night.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
what's keith READING?
NO GAIN. . . . . Amos 5:12 Why does God put so much emphasis
on the way we treat the poor? How we
treat the rich or those of equal station too often reflects what we hope to get
from them. But since the poor can give
us nothing, how we treat them reflects our true character. Do we, like Christ, give without thought of
gain? We should treat the poor as we
would like God to treat us.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
what's keith READING?
COW GIRLS. . . . . Amos 4:1 Israel’s wealthy women were
compared to the cows of Bashan—pampered, sleek, and well fed (see Psalm
22:12). These women selfishly pushed
their husbands to oppress the helpless in order to supply their lavish
lifestyle. Be careful not to desire
material possessions so much that you are willing to oppress others and
displease God to get them.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
what's keith READING?
WORK. . . . . Amos 1:1 All day long Amos took care of
sheep—not a particularly “spiritual” job—yet he became a channel of God’s
message to others. Your job may not
cause you to feel spiritual or successful, but it is a vital work if you are in
the place God wants you to be. God can
work through you to do extraordinary things, no matter how ordinary your
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
what's keith READING?
NEVER FAILING. . . . . Hosea 14:4 When our will is weak,
when our reason is confused, when our conscience is burdened with a load of
guilt, we must remember that God promises forgiveness and boundless love. When friends and family desert us or don’t
understand us, when we are tired of being good, God’s love knows no
bounds. When we can’t see the way or hear
God’s voice, when we lack courage to go on, when our shortcomings or an awareness
of our sins overwhelms us, God’s love knows no bounds. Regardless of how things seem or even how you
feel, rely on this truth: God’s love knows no
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
what's keith READING?
GUESS WHO? . . . . . Hosea 8:12 It is easy to listen to a
sermon and think of all the people we know who should be listening, or to read
the Bible and think of those who should do what the passage teaches. The Israelites did this constantly, applying
God’s laws to others but not to themselves.
This is just another way to deflect God’s Word and avoid making needed
changes. As you think of others who need
to apply what you are hearing or reading, check to see if the same application
could fit you. And keep in mind that
often our own faults are the very ones we see in others.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
how was keith's THANKSGIVING?
Thanksgiving went much better than I had ever anticipated. Around 09:20 AM that Thursday morning, I went
to a job interview at the McDonald’s located on 2840 Greenmount Ave. The interview went pretty well and thankfully
I got the job and I start next week.
Afterwards I came back home and wished some family and friends including
Teon a Happy Thanksgiving. Then I went to my mother’s house around 02 PM
for some of her homemade cooking. Kenneth,
my brother, is in town for the holiday and our family had our first
Thanksgiving meal with two new additions to the table—Michael and Jamal, my
mother’s foster kids. After dinner, we
had a good time reliving past events. We
talked for hours about Michael and his inadequacies, to drugs, alcohol, and even
gambling and I enjoyed every minute of it.
I didn’t leave the house—with my own sweet potato pie and food in
tow—until about 09:00 PM much later than I had anticipated.
I go, I just have to say how proud I am of my brother. He’s living on his own in Atlanta, GA, so far
from home, and doing well. He’s already
on his third car and has disposable income to blow on stupid stuff (like cars,
Mac Books, iPads)—he reminds me so much of myself at his age, 22. Although I didn’t nearly have as much confidence
and swag as he has. He’s always been the brave one having several
friends. He just fits in so easily
unlike me. I’ve always been the quiet
and antisocial one. I’m much more like
my father, although I don’t think my dad was that quite of an introvert. Kenneth is living life to the fullest,
getting high on drugs and life and I wish I was that free-spirited. I’m too much of a control freak. Even though I’m the older brother, I have
always looked up to Kenneth and I still do.
I’m so happy that he’s doing so well and I pray that he doesn’t fall
from grace much like I have, although I doubt he ever will. Too many people are on his side.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
who's cursing keith OUT AGAIN?
Once again, Richard goes and humiliates me in
front of another one of his friends.
This time it’s none other than Quentin Burns. He’s cursed me out, called me a bitch, told
me to leave . . . the list goes on and on.
This time it all started because I asked for a little clarification on
what he was talking about because he was making no kind of sense, and he just
went off. I notice that this is a
running theme. Whenever he’s in the
company of one of his friends, it’s like he has to put on a stunt and a show—a
Broadway musical if you will and nobody paid for a ticket. He just goes off on me and devotes a full
hour of talking about me to his friends.
He claims that I don’t do anything for him (including sex), that I
always start an argument, and that I’m spoiled, lazy, and I don’t help him out
with anything—all of which are total lies.
I will admit that I’m not the easiest to get along with only because I
spend ample time thinking things through and not wasting time unlike Richard. You already know that Richard is dumb as a
door knob and thinking is not in his repertoire so he makes some of the most
stupid decisions. And when you call him
out on them, he wants to fuss at you. In
the words of Richard, I’m tired and
I’m through. No more of this bull shit. I need to start making plans that no longer
include his dumbass.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
what's keith READING?
HARD TO FORGIVE. . . . . Daniel 4:19 When Daniel
understood Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, he was stunned. How could he be so deeply grieved at the fate
of Nebuchadnezzar—the king who was responsible
for the destruction of his home and nation? Daniel had forgiven the king, and so God was
able to use Daniel. Often when we have
been wronged by someone, we find it difficult to forget the past. We may even be glad if that person suffers. Forgiving people means putting the past
behind us. Can you love someone who has
hurt you? Ask God to help you forgive,
forget, and love. God may use you in an
extraordinary way in that person’s life!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
what's keith READING?
TEMPTATION. . . . . Daniel 1:8 It is easier to resist
temptation if you have thought through you convictions well before the
temptation arises. Daniel and his
friends made their decision to be faithful to the laws of their religion before
they were face with the king’s delicacies, so they did not hesitate to stick
with their convictions. Sometimes we get
into trouble because we have not previously decided where to draw the
line. Before such situations arise,
decide on you commitments. Then, when
temptation comes, you will be ready.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
who turned keith DOWN?
this homeless young man—23 years of age and one of the nicest guys I have ever
met—who is friends with Richard named Quentin.
He’s been coming by the apartment pretty sporadically for about four
months looking for Richard, who always seems to be away when he stops by. He rings the doorbell, asks if Richard is
home, I say no and then he asks me for some money or food, clothes or to use my
phone. I happily oblige only because he
just has the most humble personality I think I have ever seen in a person. He told me a little about himself
yesterday—about how he’s been homeless off and on for quite some time, hustling
and grinding, trying to make a come-up.
He’s planning on attending Baltimore City Community College or Job Corps
soon and he’s working on a mix tape. And
it’s not like he wants a pity party.
He’s been sleeping in the laundry room downstairs and doesn’t want me to
tell Richard because he doesn’t want him to worry.
here’s where things get a little kinky.
I seem to get a hard-on whenever he comes around. He’s quite easy on the eyes and he’s very
much a conversationalist. He’s quite
charming and very polite and I seem to go for guys like that. He told me that he wants kids of his own and
how he was taking very good care of his brother’s kids for a while and I can
tell he would be an awesome dad. Other
than his mental disability—schizophrenia—I really can’t seem to dictate a flaw,
although I’m pretty sure there’s more to the picture than he’s letting on. He has somehow contributed to his unfortunate
circumstances—I’m just guessing—but I’ve spent many nights praying for
him. Quentin always tells me that the
God will bless me but he just doesn’t know how much of a blessing he’s been to
cut to the chase, I made a pass at him last night while he was sleeping on the
couch. I can’t believe I even had the
guts to do so. That has got to be the
first time I’ve ever done so. (Well I made a pass at him back in September but it was way too subtle for him to even notice.) While he
was in his deep sleep, I put my lips up to his.
He didn’t respond right away. It
took him a few seconds to come to and he turned me down. “I don’t want to get shot.” “It’s alright,” I said. He said, “Naw, I know the people Richard
hangs around.” At that point I grabbed
his crotch and said, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” He at least gave me a
kiss and he told me that this would stay between us two.
Wow! Am I that horny? I think so and I’m pretty unhappy with my
current circumstances. I really don’t
want to be with Richard anymore and we are currently in a rush trying to find
an apartment. It seems like we’ll never
find anyplace better or even equal to where we are living now. It’s just a mess because he lives paycheck to
paycheck with no savings and we really can’t even afford to move. The only reason why he even has a security
deposit is because he’s skipping out on November’s rent. I really can’t tell you where his money goes
but it’s really none of my business.
He’s been providing for me full time since February and he doesn’t even
expect me to help with the payment on a new apartment. In all, I can’t really complain.
if you think about I really can. We fuss
and fight like cats and dogs and it’s becoming a daily occurrence. And it’s all because he won’t listen—and because he’s dumb as all
hell. I swear if I had it, I would leave
him in the dust. However, it’s that kind
of thinking that is not helping the relationship one bit. Teon called me again last night. I didn’t answer so he sent a text message my
way. The only thing is I have no clue
what the text message entailed only because I only receive the first letter of
any texts I receive on my main cell phone.
What kind of shit is that?
Reachout Wireless says that I need a new cell phone but I don’t see how that
would help much. Too bad I can’t afford
one at the moment. I’m praying that I
get approved for cash assistance under the Temporary Disability Assistance
Program. I’m also begging Jesus for a
new job. Yet I know that all things come
in due time. Jesus always seems to
surprise me with a blessing especially when my funds are low, so I’m really
counting on it real soon. I know that he
will never leave me or forsake me.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
who's keith FUSSING WITH?
I swear
you can’t one simple conversation with Richard without him fussing and yelling. His dumb-ass never tells the whole story or
he gives you some rambled up version and when you question him, he gets irate
and raises his voice. And as a result, I
raise my voice and that’s when things go south.
Sometimes, I don’t know whether I’m talking to a 38 year old or an eight
year old. He and I are not compatible at
all. He is as dumb as box of rocks and
at times I wish I could tell him to go kick
rocks but I’m dependant on him. At
the moment, I’m still waiting on the Lord to bless me with a J-O-B. Richard’s manager was supposed to be calling
me but it doesn’t seem like he’s ever going to get around to it. On top of all this mess, Richard has to move out in less than a month.
Today I went with him to Baltimore District Court and he agreed to vacate the apartment by December 15, 2012. Since his name is not on the lease and his mother is now living at a
nursing home, Kensington Gates no longer wants him living there. Plus it doesn’t look like his credit is good
enough to get another apartment. One
apartment complex already denied his application. John and Sade moved out without warning but
we still have to deal with Richard’s nephew, Ricky. And to make matters worse, we haven't had cable television in over two weeks now. Through all of this, I’m
still blessed and I shall put all of this in God's hands.
what's keith READING?
POLLUTION. . . . . Ezekiel 20:30 Water containing comtaminants is polluted. Likewise, our life is polluted when we accept the contaminants--immoral values--of this world. If we love money, we become greedy. If we lust, we become sexually immoral. Remaining pure in a polluted world is difficult, to say the least. But a heart filled with God's Holy Spirit leaves little room for pollution (see Titus 1:15-16).
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
what's in keith's MAKEUP BAG?
Sunday, November 11, 2012
what's keith READING?
NO FAIR. . . . . Ezekiel 18:25 A typical childish response to punishment is to say, "That's not fair!" In reality, God is fair, but we have broken the rules. It is not God who must live up to our ideas of fairness; instead, we must live up to his. Don't spend your time looking for the loopholes in God's law; decide instead to work toward living up to God's standards.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
what's keith WATCHING ON HBO?
Much like Oskar Schell, I have come to the realization that I too have spent most of my life searching for something. Not a lock fit for a key but ultimately for happiness, acceptance. . . love. I'm quite sure that I haven't found it just yet, however like Oskar I won't give up until I find the answers.
4.5/5 |
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
what's keith READING?
MONEY. . . . . Ezekiel 7:19 Money too often seems to lead people into sin. Paul said the love of money is the first step to sin (1 Timothy 6:10). How ironic that we use wealth-a gift from God-to buy things that separate us from him. How tragic it is that we spend so much time looking for ways to satisfy ourselves with money and so little time looking for God, the true source of satisfaction.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
what's keith READING?
TURN ABOUT. . . . . Lamentations 5:22 A high calling flouted by low living results in deep suffering. Lamentations gives us a portrait of the bitter suffering the people of Jerusalem experienced when sin caught up with them and God turned his back on them. Every material goal they had lived for disappeared. Even though God turned away from them because of their sin, he did not abandon them-that was their great hope. Despite their sinful past, God would restore them if they returned to him. There is no hope except in the Lord. Thus, our grief should turn us toward him, not away from him.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
what's keith READING?
Don't Play. . . . . Jeremiah 42:5-10 Johanan and his associates spoke their own curse; Jeremiah merely elaborated on it. It was a tragic mistake to ask for God's guidance with no intention of following it. Be sure never to ask God for something if you know in your heart that you do not want it. It is better not to pray than to pray deceptively. God cannot be deceived.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Result of a fight back in June |
Richard “Rick” Hunt and I are officially over. I know I’ve said this before but this time I
REALLY mean it. Richard has shown me his
true colors and I’m no longer invested in this relationship anymore.
This whole situation started on Saturday night. Richard came in the house pretty late from
work. . . I’ll say around 10:30PM. He
didn’t greet me or anything. Apparently
he was still mad about the fact that I wouldn’t allow him to wear a pair of my
shoes on Friday night. I know I should
have let him wear them, but I’m pretty selfish.
I’ll admit it. Trust me I’m
working on it. He asks for the remote
and I’m like No hello or anything. But I save face and I proceed to ask if he
talked to his bosses about my employment.
He says that he did but they didn’t say anything. He’s been asking his bosses for a little over
two weeks now, but their lazy asses
haven’t gotten around to calling me. So
I continue to question him and ask why and he throws me shade, and I tell him Fuck it and that they don’t have to
worry about hiring me, among other
At this time, I’m ranting, raving and fussing and I
happen to say that I’ll just use him the way his friend Chris does. This is when the shit hit the fan. He put his hands around my neck, chokes me
and pushes me to the floor. I’ll kill you, he says and he calls his
friend John in the room for back up.
(You see John and his girlfriend are now staying with us on top Richard’s
nephew, Ricky. It’s funny how Richard
used to make fun of the renters across the hall that had five residents in a
one bedroom apartment and now he’s the butt of the joke.) John tells Richard that he won’t jump in, but
Richard proceeds to put on a show for his audience. He’s in my face yelling and cursing all while
choking and shoving me. I swear he
turned straight into Judas Iscariot. He
would have never treated me like that if his fan base weren’t in the next room
watching and laughing.
I couldn’t believe that he would treat me like that. But I will say that I’m not surprised. He’s put his hands on me and treated me like
utter shit in front of his friends before.
At this point I know that I should just leave but I have no place to
go. I’m stuck. And I do appreciate all that Richard does and
I realize that at times I give him a hard time, however that does not give him
a right to put his hands around my throat.
I recently told him that I no longer trust him and to be quite honest,
my love for him is ceasing faster that gas in an Escalade on the highway.
In the end, we talked it out. The police came shortly after and Richard
ushered them away. I’m not hurt
physically but I am deeply hurt emotionally.
And as for Sade, Ricky, and John—they are on my SHIT LIST. Richard told them that I would no longer open
the door for them, but get this. He says
that he’ll get them all a key by today.
He just gave me a key less than two weeks ago and I’ve been asking for
one for all of five months. Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?
P.S. Teon
called me last night and I’m still not answering.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
what's keith READING?
DANGER. . . . . Jeremiah 13:15 While it is good to respect our country and our church, our loyalties always carry a hidden danger--pride. When is pride harmful? When it causes (1) to look down on others; (2) to be selfish with our resources; (3) to force our solutions on others' problems; (4) to think God is blessing us because of our own merits; (5) to be content with our plans rather than seeking God's plans.
Monday, October 15, 2012
why is keith SO COLD?
1116 Homewood Ave |
I finally spoke to Charles "NY" Johnson on Friday, October 12. We lost touch for a moment but he is doing very well. He recently moved into a 3rd floor apartment on 1116 Homewood Avenue. He's still with his fiance, Kim, and they threw a housewarming party on Saturday, October 13. I lied and told Charles that I wouldn't be able to make it to the party because I would be out of town. I know, I know I'm such a flake. I'm so proud of him, although he seems to be more dependant now than ever. I can't stand it when without any warning Charles passes his phone to Kim when he can't communicate effectively. In his own words, Kim is his "bread and butter". Yeah. And I guess she spoon feeds it to him too.
Charles also gave me an update on a few of our lost acquaintances. For starters, he says that he hasn't been arrested recently unlike Semaj "Chardonnay" Daniels. Apparently, she's going from abandoned building to abandoned building, man to man, North Ave stroll to jail. In my humble opinion, she needs to take her ass back home to North Carolina. When will that t-girl ever learn? Julius "Andrea" Baxter seems to be doing the same 'ol. Drinking, getting high and sleeping with just about anybody. As old as he is I really don't see any room for improvement. As they say, he is late. Jail is the only place that one stays clean.
Charles also told me that my stalker, Collins "Rip" Johnson,still hangs out around the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Housing & Resource Center. But who cares?
Also, I can't neglect to mention that I've been quite a flake to Teon as well. He's sent a couple calls and text messages my way this past week and I just responded to him on Saturday. I'm pretty sure he knows why I've been so cold to him lately, but even if he doesn't, I just don't care. I need a break from that one. I just don't see my heart taking a back track any time soon and I can't deny the emotions I still have for him. You see Teon is still battling the same demons as he did a couple years ago. I'll just continue to pray for him too.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
what's keith READING?
FORGETTING. . . . . Jeremiah 2:31-32 Forgetting can be dangerous, whether it is intentional or an oversights. Israel forgot God by focusing it's affections on the allurements of the world. The more we focus on the world's pleasures, the easier it becomes to forget God's care, love dependability, guidance, and most of all, God himself. What pleases you most? Have you been forgetting God lately?
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
4/5 |
I've said this before but I wished I had joined the Armed Forces. I've always had dreams of joining the U.S. Air Force just like my dad. Unfortunately, that dream is over, and the only way I know to get over my regret is to look at it as some kind of blessing. I mean who's to say I would still be alive if I had joined? But this post is not about me but about all of the brave men and women courageous enough to have joined the military. Even though this movie is pure science fiction, I know that it is a true testament to the trials and challenges of all of our veterans and I don't think that you all get enough credit. Much credit to all of our soldiers living and expired. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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