On Thursday, May 3rd, I had a dentists appointment with an oral surgeon to have my wisdom teeth removed. I have been dealing with a limited opening of my mouth and it's due to the fact that both of my wisdom teeth have just about fully grown in on the left side of my mouth. Rick was suppose to accompany me at the dentist's office. Well why didn't he? Because he missed the 3 Bus that I was riding on to get downtown. He got off early from work and caught the 22 to Greenmount avenue. By the time he got there my bus had already passed that stop. He made a hissy fit on the phone and I told him that it really wasn't that damn serious. He could just catch the next bus, right? Wrong. He decided to take his ass home. When I finally got downtown, I called him at least two dozen times on the phone before he picked up and guess what he was doing? At home dying his damn hair. I was beyond pissed off. I cursed his ass off and made my way to the subway station to get to my dentist's appointment.
After all of this shit I didn't even get my teeth pulled. Apparently since I can only open my mouth so far, I have to be anesthetized and the surgeon has to cut through my gums to remove my third molars. Unfortunately the dentist's office that I went to does not perform anesthesia or complicated wisdom tooth extractions, so I'm back at square one. I have to now find an oral surgeon to perform the surgery that accepts my insurance plan, Priority Partners.
Now back to Rick. What was his excuse for not waiting 20 minutes for the next bus? He really had none. He expected me to get off the bus at that stop even when I told him the night before that I was not getting off the bus only to get back on. The night before we plan the whole thing out and we agreed that we would meet downtown. Finally when Rick got home that night from a night full of bar hoppin', I let his ass have it. Luckily, this time things did not get physical. Can you believe he tried to say it was my fault? Rick is an idiotic, dumb bitch and honestly I don't know why I'm with him. Wait, yes I do. I'm homeless. That would be the only reason for now.
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