DEAR E. JEAN: I've met the man of my dreams. He's incredibly gorgeous, and we have amazing, mind-blowing sex nightly--and usually daily as well. He's kind, morally upstanding, open-minded, and accepting, without a cynical or jaded bone in his body. He's a hard worker, generous (he paid my rent when I was in a car wreck and couldn't work), and is always there for my friends and family. On top of everything, he's funny and fun to be with, and I have zero doubt he'll be nothing short of an amazing husband and father. However, there's one problem: He's dumb.
He can hold a fairly intelligent conversation and reads good books, though how much he understands is up for debate. My last boyfriend was supersmart, and I found him intellectually stimulating, yet he was a raging asshole with a huge ego and a penchant for screwing anything that moved (particularly 18-year-old women, even though he's 35!) While my new boyfriend challenges me to be a better person, he doesn't challenge me intellectually the way my es did. Should I hold out for someone wit more brains?
--Too Dense to Love
Sounds like someone I'm dating minus the "mind blowing sex".
DENSE, DEAR MORON: Wait. Let Auntie Eeee get this straight: You think that a chap who's morally upstanding, open-minded, accepting, hardworking, funny, generous, uncynical, unjaded, loving to your friends, fun to be with, and pays your rent when you're in a car accident is. . . "dumb"? And you're asking if you should "hold out" for "more brains"?
No. What you need is a guide, Miss Dense. Here are your 7 Rules for Picking a Smart Boyfriend:
1. A "gorgeous" boyfriend is better than an ugly boyfriend.
2. A "kind" boyfriend is better than a "raging asshole".
3. A boyfriend who'll be an "amazing" father is better than a boyfriend with a "penchant for screwing" teenagers.
4. A boyfriend who likes life is better than a boyfriend who likes books.
5. A boyfriend who makes you laugh is better than a boyfriend who make you cry.
6. A boyfriend with a balanced ego is better than a boyfriend with a "huge ego".
7. A boyfriend who bonks you nightly--and daily--with "mind blowing" mastery is. . . a genius.
Smarten up, Dense, old girl. True love is worth all the brains in the world.
Smarten up, Dense, old girl. True love is worth all the brains in the world.
I'd also be a fool not to mention how great Selena Gomez looks in this issue of Elle. Utter perfection. I did not know Selena has attained so many accolades in such a short time. Kudos to her from a new fan.
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