Thursday, October 13, 2011

is keith DATING A DUMMY?


Guess who just showed up about an hour ago.  And boy did we have an argument about me being here.  Glenda showed up with some ugly ass dude I'm guessing she's now dating.  She told me to grab all my shit when I leave this time because I'm not coming back.  What a hot mess she is.  So it's kind of a good thing that Rick didn't come over tonight after all.    

I really think I am.  I just back from a rather terrible time out with Rick.  In fact, he was supposed to come back home with me but he had to rush home. 

So let me start from the beginning.  Glenda is out of town on business.  She left yesterday and I'm guessing she'll be back tomorrow.  Well since I have the house to myself, I decided to invite Rick over.  The plan was for him to come by yesterday but it was raining pretty bad so we rescheduled for today.  So I met up with him downtown at around 06:20 PM and we got something to eat at Uno's and that's when the date went downhill. 

I really think something is mentally wrong with Rick.  He is extremely slow and he likes to talk in circles.  When you ask him a question he never answers it and rambles on about unrelated topics and he's never truly sure about his answers or what he's talking about.  For example, tonight he said that he lost 110 lbs.  So I ask when and how?  He says over the course of six months starting at the beginning of last year.  Quit remarkable, right?  Wrong.  Listen up!  So I ask him how much he weighed before he lost the weight and how much does he weigh now.  He says he weighs between 190 - 250 lbs now and when he started he was 270 lbs.  Well we all know that that just doesn't add up.  So when I questioned him he got frustrated and it turns out that he in fact lost weight, however he doesn't know how much he has truly lost because he never weighed himself.  So why didn't he say that from the beginning?  And that's not the only topic that raised my eyebrow on this date.  So, of course, I would ask questions and he got a little upset.  In fact, he even asked if he was on trial.  I'm starting to see how really incompatible we are but he's an exceptional guy nonetheless.  I just wish he had a little more brains. 

So we're done eating and it's about 08:00 PM and we're walking over to the 40 Quickbus stop because again he's supposed to be coming to my place.  Mind you, he needs to be back to his place by 09:00 PM to give his mother her diabetes shot.  How's that going to work?  As a side note, during our dinner, he was not keeping track of time as if he never really had plans of stopping by my place to begin with and I could tell he wasn't too thrilled about coming over considering he has to wake up at 04:00 AM for work.  So after waiting about twenty minutes for the bus I told him he could go home.  I was pissed the fuck off and I'm pretty sure he could tell.  I wouldn't even have gone out in the first place if he wasn't coming home with me.  In fact, I'm very disappointed and pissed off with him as we speak but I'll get over it.  I'll just give up.  I won't ever invite him over to my place again.  We tried these past two days and it has been a total disaster.  Won't do that again, that's all. 

And now I have to plan our trip to Atlantic City.  Mind you, he proposed that destination but has no fucking idea how to get there.  I think the Greyhound is our only option and I am not too fond of the Greyhound bus service--bad childhood experiences.  I highly doubt I'll be going anywhere this weekend and if I do I'm quite sure it will be a clusterfuck disaster like our trip to DC--walking around aimlessly not knowing what to do or where the fuck we are going.  I just don't get Rick.  What am I going to do with him?  He is a hot ass mess and one of the nicest guys I've ever met all rolled into one.

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