Result of a fight back in June |
Richard “Rick” Hunt and I are officially over. I know I’ve said this before but this time I
REALLY mean it. Richard has shown me his
true colors and I’m no longer invested in this relationship anymore.
This whole situation started on Saturday night. Richard came in the house pretty late from
work. . . I’ll say around 10:30PM. He
didn’t greet me or anything. Apparently
he was still mad about the fact that I wouldn’t allow him to wear a pair of my
shoes on Friday night. I know I should
have let him wear them, but I’m pretty selfish.
I’ll admit it. Trust me I’m
working on it. He asks for the remote
and I’m like No hello or anything. But I save face and I proceed to ask if he
talked to his bosses about my employment.
He says that he did but they didn’t say anything. He’s been asking his bosses for a little over
two weeks now, but their lazy asses
haven’t gotten around to calling me. So
I continue to question him and ask why and he throws me shade, and I tell him Fuck it and that they don’t have to
worry about hiring me, among other
At this time, I’m ranting, raving and fussing and I
happen to say that I’ll just use him the way his friend Chris does. This is when the shit hit the fan. He put his hands around my neck, chokes me
and pushes me to the floor. I’ll kill you, he says and he calls his
friend John in the room for back up.
(You see John and his girlfriend are now staying with us on top Richard’s
nephew, Ricky. It’s funny how Richard
used to make fun of the renters across the hall that had five residents in a
one bedroom apartment and now he’s the butt of the joke.) John tells Richard that he won’t jump in, but
Richard proceeds to put on a show for his audience. He’s in my face yelling and cursing all while
choking and shoving me. I swear he
turned straight into Judas Iscariot. He
would have never treated me like that if his fan base weren’t in the next room
watching and laughing.
I couldn’t believe that he would treat me like that. But I will say that I’m not surprised. He’s put his hands on me and treated me like
utter shit in front of his friends before.
At this point I know that I should just leave but I have no place to
go. I’m stuck. And I do appreciate all that Richard does and
I realize that at times I give him a hard time, however that does not give him
a right to put his hands around my throat.
I recently told him that I no longer trust him and to be quite honest,
my love for him is ceasing faster that gas in an Escalade on the highway.
In the end, we talked it out. The police came shortly after and Richard
ushered them away. I’m not hurt
physically but I am deeply hurt emotionally.
And as for Sade, Ricky, and John—they are on my SHIT LIST. Richard told them that I would no longer open
the door for them, but get this. He says
that he’ll get them all a key by today.
He just gave me a key less than two weeks ago and I’ve been asking for
one for all of five months. Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?
P.S. Teon
called me last night and I’m still not answering.