Tuesday, January 10, 2012

what's keith READING?

I just have to come on and say that I can't stop staring at the cover of the January issue of Elle Magazine.  I don't know much about Katherine Heigl but I can say that she is extremely beautiful.  Everything seems to be working for her- her hair, her makeup, her dress and accessories.  I can't remember an actress on the cover of Elle looking so stunning.  And the short yet mesmerizing photo spread of her continues to excite me.  Perfection is the only word that comes to mind.  After reading the article written by Joe Zee, I also find it quite refreshing that she is outspoken given as though you would never think so by looking at her.  I have always admired individuals much like Nene Leakes on The Real Housewives of Atlanta who say exactly what is on their mind with no apologies.  Other than that this was rather one dry-ass issue of Elle, in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely indeed. Enjoy her movies and loved her in Grey's Anatomy. She is one of the most famous actresses in the world can't believe you dont know much about her.


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