Friday, September 2, 2011


It was a little over a year ago that I started my conquest to read the entire KJV of the Holy Bible.  For some reason I thought that my life would be sorted back together once I finished reading it, however my life has broken into even more pieces since I've first cracked open that book last year.  Do I have a stronger faith system or more spiritual insight?  I can't say that I do but I can say that my life is so much more peaceful now and I have a stronger sense of well-being and confidence.  I think being away from Teon and Glenda have something to do with that though.

On to other news. . .  Rip is starting to get on my last nerve.  He is starting to smother me.  I'm so sick of him trying to get my attention.  All he does all day is try to talk to me, no matter what I seem to be doing.  I don't get why I'm so nice to these losers.  I need a lesson in being a BITCH.  Case in point, an old toothless guy named Thomas gave me his number today.  He said that "I need a good man in my life" and "I can make you feel good."  As if.  I only pretended to enter his number into my nonworking phone.  He won't be getting a call from me. 

Back to Rip- I'm supposed to go out with him tomorrow.  Man, I really don't want to but I already promised him that I would.  I hope it's quick and non inviting.  For some reason, he just doesn't get that I don't want to be with him no matter how nice I say it.  The nerve of these guys thinking I'm even interested in them.  A guy this fine does not go out with the first loser that tries to talk to him.  Maybe the second.  LOL.  Just kidding.

And where the fuck are my Emergency Food Stamps?  I signed up for them a couple days ago.  If you don't know, since President Obama declared that Maryland was in a State of Emergency after Hurricane Irene, those who recieve Food Stamps are eligible for additional Food Stamps benefits.  Where the fuck is my money ho?

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