I just thought I would mention this because it's kind of hilarious, if you ask me. Others might find it creapy.
Alright, where do I begin? Yesturday evening, I went to go use the restroom like I normally do. One of restrooms is equipped with two urinals, mouted side-by-side on the wall. So, I walk on over to one and begin to handle my business. Well, this older guy in a gray hoodie walks over to the other urinal and begins to do his thing. I would say that the guy was in his late thirties, maybe early forties. While I'm handling my business, the guy takes several peeps at me while excessively shaking his penis. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell that his penis was getting erect. So, I quickly finish and dodge out of the bathroom.
Now, yesturday, I didn't think much of the situation because I figured that maybe he wasn't trying to proposition me for sex, much like countless others in this shelter. Maybe he was just excessively shaking his penis to make sure he was drained of all of his fluids. He is kind of old. Well, I wasn't sure until today, when the guy did the same thing again. However, this time he made it even more obvious by turning and staring at me. And again, I ignored him. Of course, it's proper restroom etiquette not to look over at the other man while using the urinals. So, I continued to handle my business and I made it seem as though, I didn't even notice him. By the way, he has a really big dick, not that I'm at all interested.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure he'll do it again. And again, I'm going to ignore him. I'm going to see just how bold and upfront he'll be about his sexual proposition. I'm sure he's on the DOWNLOW like most of the guys in here and I guess he expects me to be impressed by the size of his prize. Well, that's one prize not worth having. And let me tell you all something. If I wanted dick., I would have one in my ass, another in my mouth, with another in the wings waiting to get a taste of this. Trust me. I have no problems in that department, not being cocky or anything. Just another interesting story LIVE from the JHR shelter.
Also, something else I thought I should mention. Today makes exactly one month that I have been living at the shelter. Can you believe it? For some reason, I get the feeling that I'll be here for another two to three months. In fact, I don't see any signs of me getting out of here until school starts in late August. Well, I guess I should look on the brightside. I have FOODSTAMPS, a free CELLPHONE PLAN, and SHELTER. So, I won't complain. Although, I will say that I now know how it feels to be in jail. I'm just saying. I think I can totally relate.