Thursday, February 24, 2011

who's giving keith A RIDE?

The strangest thing happenned today.  I ran into one of my ex-boyfriends.  So, here's what transpired.

So, I'm standing on the bus stop waiting for the 40 Quickbus.  I was on my way back home to pick up a few things and I'm still at the house as I type.  The next thing I know, this girl taps me on the shoulder and points at the direction of a car waiting at the red light.  She says, "that guy wants you."  So, I look and you will not believe who it was.  It was Curtis Durham.  Excuse me.  Principal Curtis Durham.  He's now a principal at a Baltimore County elementary school.  

So, after a quick moment of looking stupid and acting like I had no idea who it was, I finally got in his car.  He had offered me a ride.  Of course, he asked why I was taking public transportation.  And of course, I came up with a lie.  OMG.  I thought I would never see him again.  Well, to be honest, I was hoping to never see him again or, at least, not until I got myself together.  It's just that ever since we lost touch, my life has done nothing but spiral downhill.  At least when I was with him, you know, my life was in some kind of order.  I was doing pretty well for myself.  And at the moment, my life is shit and he has to show up now of all times?  But I will say that it was really nice to him again.

If you're wondering, Curtis and I dated from July of 2007 until about May 2008.  In his car, we even tried to discuss the reason we had fallen out of touch.  I said it was because he was too busy and he just had too much going on in his life at the time.  He kinda disagrees.  Anyways, before we departed, I gave him my new cell phone number and I even gave him a hug.  Curtis is still the same sweet and sexy tedy bear he has always been.  He hasn't changed a bit.  In fact, he even said that I still had the same "shy" and "coy" bit going on.  I guess I haven't changed much on that front either.

So, with Curtis back in my life.  How do I open up and tell him exactly what's been going on with me.  I mean, he thinks I still drive and that I'm living back with my estranged mother.  I don't know how I'm going to break the news to him or even whether or not I will even stay in contact with him.  Who knows?  I would really like to see him again though.  I guess, I just have to suck it up and be honest.  Honesty is always the best policy, right? 

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