Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well it's officially my day of birth.  I'm in a fuckin' homeless shelter for God's sake.  This is no way to spend you're twenty-fourth birthday.  I'm officially depressed. 

I just finished having a heated conversation with Kenny.  Guess what I also found out?  Kenny has also been talking to Lance about me.  Apparently I now look even crazier to the both of them.  I'm just so through with Kenny, but for some reason I can't let go of him.  He's actually supposed to be calling me back right about now.  I'm sure he's busy Skype-Boning.

I think I'll go home tomorrow.  I'm tired of this fuckin' shelter.  Hopefully Kenny will take me out on my birthday.  I told him to forget about it earlier today, however I think I'll take him up on his offer.  I could use a night out right about now.  But who knows?  Our phone conversation was not on the best of terms.  I'm guilty of calling him several names as usual like attempted murderer, dumb ass  and devil worshiper.  I get that he's only trying to help.  I've kind of cooled off now that I've gotten all of my questions and aggressions out of the way.  However, I still have several questions for him that have yet to remain unanswered.  He's got a lot of explaining to do.  The issue is Kenny couldn't communicate effectively if his life was on the line.  I see why he's an ex-marine.  You know what it stands for.  Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Essential.  So there's no surprise there. 

Anyways, I should be trying to get some shut-eye right about now.  I have to be up at 05:00 AM sharp.

Oh and before I forget, Kenny now knows about my blog.  For the most part, I told him that I've pretty much exposed him, however I refused to give him the URL.  Although I'm sure he'll find out sooner than later. 

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